Marketing In The News

During my search for an article, I clicked on many sites before something caught my eye. "DTF"!!! That was the attention grabber (or should I say mild shocker). My initial thought was "that seems to be a pretty risky and controversial advertisement gimmick". Although, OKCupid the online dating site company, that is using the the acronym is "rethinking the blunt old acronym, originally meaning "down to fuck", by making it the centerpiece of a new campaign", says author Tim Nudd of Adweek. 

The caption surrounding the campaign ad is paired with many colorful, bright, and entertaining photographs. (Credit to artist Maurizio Cattelan and photographer Pierpaolo Ferrari the creators of Toilet Paper magazine, on the ads.)

The article goes on to explain the challenges in modern-day dating and that because of the current political and social climate in today's society they (OKCupid) believe "Dating can and should be about more than hookups." It wants individuals to be able to reclaim the meaning of DTF and to really make it their own in the dating world.  Their copywriter, Ian Hart, goes on the say that "It's an aspiration to treating people like people." 

Some of the images of "DTF" campaign marketing ad include: 

OKCupid's value proposition is clear, "its about the brand’s commitment to being focused on substance and depth, while also reflecting the issues and passions that people care about" says CMO Melissa Hobley. 

Throughout the article it states that the online dating site aims to "achieve substance and depth through the app’s features". OKCupid is achieving this by asking more than a dozen questions to their users as they set up their profile and it also lets users now search by passions and interests. It also wants to achieve relevance through their brand voice with another new feature, "Trump filter", that had an amazing response in demonstrating how important it is for people to be able to discuses politics in dating/relationships. 

Overall, I think that OKCupid is sticking to their value proposition, their brand image, and are dedicated to improving the world of online dating. I believe that this marketing campaign/gimmick was unique and brilliant. It was unquestionably fun, exciting, truthful, and BOLD! If I were in charge of their marketing department I wouldn't have changed I thing. 

Way to knock it out of the stadium OKCupid #DowntoFakeOut!!!


Tim Nudd. “OkCupid Redefines 'DTF' in Striking Ads That Are Like Little Works of Art.” –                                   Adweek, Adweek, 3 Jan. 2018,                         striking-ads-that-are-like-little-works-of-art/.


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